Sunday, July 08, 2007

Raise your hand if your Sure!

I was in a Sure commercial yesterday. Ok, it wasn't an actual commercial but it should have been.

Picture this...It is a cloudy day in Africa and a mini-bus driving from the outskirts of Kisumu to the city stops to pick up three innocent Mazungoo ladies. They climb up the stairs as the money collecter guy yells "The Mazungoo's are getting on!". The three sweet and amazingly nice girls cram into this overly crowded bus. The seats are all taken and the aisle way is full of people. However, everyone kindly makes a nice pocket for the Mazungoos to fit in the midst the other ripe passengers. In order to steady themselves everyone is reaching up to grab the bar overhead. One girl with long, wavy blonde hair looks longingly into the camera. The caption below her reads... "Raise your hand if you are Sure." Unfortunately, there were some people who shouldn't of been raising their hands.


Anonymous said...

Too bad there's not a "Sure" and "Not So Sure" section on public transit. Because, I'll be honest, after a long day touring the fishing villages and hanging out with hippos, I may have had to self-select the "Not So Sure" seating!

It is so funny that they yelled, "Mazungoo's are getting on!" That gives me the idea that you may have been sticking out like the proverbial sore thumb.

Everybody at church was asking about you today. I think we're going to have to throw a big par-tay when you get back to see all of your pics!

Gina said...

Small crammed bus full of hot, stinky, sweaty people... sounds like a sweet time! And I agree with Jess. We do need to throw a righteous bash when you get back. We miss you!

Unknown said...

I wanted you to know I love reading your blog. It seriously is the highlight of my day! Thank you for taking the time to record your adventures.
Love, Cam

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are having quite an adventure, its wonderful reading about your experiences, yes those
fish eyes are grusome. I agree with everyone would love to see the pics.

kathryn said...

did someone say party for me?? Oh gosh, I mean, if you are offering it just would be rude to turn it down...
that's what my mom is always saying. Plus, I would definitely have pictures to share :)...